Sunday, January 15, 2012


I was unsure of it, but I know now. There is someone inside my house. Each night they humor themselves with tapping, ever so slightly, on my bedroom door. I don't dare look out and see who it is...I know who it is.
I was hoping He'd lose interest, or that Alice would somehow convince Him otherwise. But He is patient. I can't leave and go outside; the crows still remind me they are watching, they caw in their enormous flocks-their murders-and wait for me to appear.

I will try to wait Him out, for now. I can only hope His patience does not wear thin.

...As for Alice, I don't see why I wait for her to do anything. She has been silent since her last post and has left no way for me to contact her. Perhaps she's found her way into some schizophrenic stupor and gotten herself killed.

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