Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Boring Week

Not much has been going on here, really. I go back to school tomorrow as Thanksgiving break is over, I didn't think to mention my days off as I had no way to spend them. I don't have enough money to make a trip back home to family, and as I know it isn't safe for me to go into the forest, I spent my days off at home talking to Roc. I sometimes wish Roc was male; maybe she would pick some words up. It would be entertaining at least.

As for Brian; I actually got a call from him on Thanksgiving. He wished me a happy thanksgiving, and seemed so happy, like his old self. I don't know how he got my number, but it cheered me up to hear him so happy and enthusiastic. I wonder if I'll be able to buy him something for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Roc, lol.

    I'm glad to hear that Brian is feeling better!
